Connections Online: Setting Up Your Employees to Win
In August, Connections Online hosted a 30-minute educational webinar featuring company principal and industry expert Jim Cardwell.
Who was the webinar for:
Designed to help customers and prospects understand the philosophy and methodology behind the Connections Online (COL) process. This is an ideal tool to introduce or orientate new people to the process or reinforce COL with people currently engaged with COL.
The philosophy centers on the fact that people want to win. People, employees, want to make a difference. The challenges in today’s environment are distractions that promote a stagnant or struggling organization.
· 80% of people say there is a strategy but only 15% can correctly tell you what that strategy is.
· People spend on average 35% of their month in meetings, 50% of which is considered wasted time.
· 65% say the work they do is not measured, visible, or accessible.
· 49% are not expected to perform at a high level
· 64% of work teams have no plans for ways to help other departments reach their goals
Connections Online allows people to come together around a common focus; an ecosystem where everybody wants to be a part of the whole—where people want to win and succeed.
COL fosters a new way of thinking in today’s workplace
Connections Online teaches companies to treat the organization as connected, not individual pieces.
See the steps involved in building a successful strategy and creating an actionable and measurable plan.
A truly unique feature of COL is its dialogs. Dialogs humanize the work process. In this presentation, Jim discusses the five monthly dialogs within COL that ensure accountability.
Overall, COL’s strategic planning execution process establishes organization performance clarity, sets a fair level of accountability, builds teamwork, creates transparency, streamlines meaningful performance, builds organization pride, and ultimately sets people up to win so your organization wins.
Check out the archived presentation on our site ( for more details. For additional information on COL’s framework, philosophy, and how it can provide your business with better insight, contact Jim Cardwell or Karla Norwood at Cardwell – 1-800-395-1410 or
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