Recap of Users Roundtable
We appreciated the presentations by our attendees on how they are reinforcing the dialog process in their credit unions as well as other innovative enhancements to the Connections Process. We were also glad we could present our new Performance Module, DaLand's Dream Works applications, and Bryan's roadmap for future development to the application. All of these are designed to provide more value to Connections customers. In an effort to share the Roundtable with the User Community who were not able to attend, please feel free to review the presentations and documents from our 2014 User Roundtable:
Connections Online Performance Management Module
Jim Cardwell presented our NEW Performance Management Module at this year's Users Roundtable. He also recently presented a webinar introducing it to all of our Users.
We promised you the recording of the session as well as a few handouts. Here are the links and information on the documents:
- PM-Brochure link: A short explanation "brochure" of the Performance Management Module with quick views of the dashboards
- Dashboard Connections link: - A one page document listing the Performance Management dashboard and where information comes from in the Connections System. Please note there are several new features associated with the Performance Module that would be added to the basic application: Commitments Module for Organization, Department, and Individual Tabs, Personal Development Goals as well as the ability to tag 80/20 metrics for Organization, Department and Individual Tabs. We also have two additional surveys that can be sent out for feedback on Project performance as well as individual performance (Basic Role, Core Values, etc.)
If you are interested in the Performance Management Module, please contact Karla at 800-395-1410 or email for a conversation to answer your questions and also see it working on our beta site. We look forward to your feedback and also answering any questions you may have.
PowerTools for Project Managers
Jon Ungerland of DaLand Solutions introduced his Dream Factory Suite for Project Managers to the Users who attended our Users Roundtable.
Recently Jon presented a webinar introducing it to all of our Users. We did record the session and as promised are providing a link to a recording of the webinar plus a link to the PowerPoint and Q/A from the session.
- Link to webinar recording:
- Link to webinar PowerPoint:
- Link to a Q/A from the Webinar:
If this tool interests you, we hope you will contact Jon for further discussion on how the Power Tools for Project Managers can help improve your PMO.
Jon's contact information:
Jon Ungerland
DaLand Solutions
Office 855 DALAND1
Cell 303 916-0428
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