Mike Lawson – Interview with Jim Cardwell
I would like to introduce you to Mike Lawson. He has worked with us over the years to help promote the Connections solution – some of you may have spoken with him over the phone or met him at our User Roundtable.
Mike is creator and host of CUbroadcast.
CUbroadcast is a credit union talk show. It is a collection of informative, online video interviews discussing today’s credit union issues with some of the industry’s finest innovators and ambassadors.
He interviews industry experts nationwide from credit unions, CUSOs, vendors, regulators, league officials, media, and more. We get their take on the latest industry trends, what we can learn from the past, and how to keep this industry moving forward and better serving its millions of members now and well into the future. We think this might be a great resource for you… staying in touch with industry leaders is always important when navigating current business challenges.
He recently interviewed Jim Cardwell, which you can view on Mike’s CUbroadcast channel.
Check him out at http://www.cubroadcast.com or to view Mike's interview with Jim, use this link http://www.cubroadcast.com/2011/03/cardwells-ceo-jim-cardwel l-discusses.html
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