Connections Online
2018 User Roundtable
When: May 20-22, 2018
Where : Embassy Suites, Orlando International Drive Convention Center
Come and SEE The New User Interface!
Come and Try The New Performance Dashboards!
Version 5.0 Highlights
New User Interface There is a totally new User Interface – in look and function. The User Interface is built on a new mobile first platform – which means that users will be able to view and interact with all elements of the application on their phones, to tablets, to computers.
Increasing speed There has been a focus on increasing the speed – not only the back end redesign of the data structure, but also the User Interface. This includes entering projects and tasks easier and quicker…
Integrating performance dashboards directly into the application Another focus has been on implementing the Performance Management [PM] dashboards directly into the application. Besides dashboards for metrics, projects, plus a User’s current work list, there has been the following have been added:
- Recent Activity This module will list all activity for which a User is “connected to.” For example, if you are a project team leader, you would see activity on any project for which you are a leader – tasks completed, dialogs, etc. Activity will be listed for any task you own for which activity has been recorded. Another User marks it completed, you will also see that activity since your name is also on the task. Besides projects and tasks, metric and dialog activity will also be shown.
- Direct Reports This lists a summary of performance results of a User’s direct reports. Clicking on the User’s name will take the current Individual user to his/her direct report’s Individual pages.
Metric Functionality Update There is a huge update on metrics. There is now the new “moving thresholds” feature.
- Metric A - Linear thresholds set for January and December: Starting thresholds set in January and second thresholds set in December, not marked as "Step", so they linearly increase over time. As new values are entered each month, they are compared with the calculated thresholds for that point in time.
- Metric B - Step thresholds entered each quarter: Specific thresholds are entered each quarter. Since they are marked as "Step", the threshold stays the same for the entire quarter and changes immediately on the new threshold
- Metric C - Thresholds entered once for the entire metric: This is how Connections Online 4.1 works. If you want the thresholds to change over time, you have to make a new metric with new thresholds or overwrite your current thresholds and change the historic colors on the chart. If you enter the year-end goals as your thresholds, the metric looks like it is way behind goal until you get closer to the end of the year.
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