Listen to Our First Podcast!
Welcome to our Podcast. Here you’ll discover what Connections Online is all about and how it can greatly benefit your organization for years to come. Our Podcasts geared to enhance the performance of not only your leadership team but your entire credit union as well. As a result, your member services will greatly improve, which will increase your credit union’s value to your members.
Click here to listen to an interview with Jim Cardwell as he explains how the Connections Online solution can accelerate culture change and help simplify your complex environment.
In addition to enhancing your management team’s performance to better serve your members, we invite you to experience our other Podcasts as they are added. Each Podcast can help you learn, solve, and improve leadership skills, communication channels, organizational issues, training methods, staff management, and more. Subsequently, your credit union’s staff will be motivated and appreciated, which will result in better member service.
All of the content we have generated in our Podcast interviews stem from decades of experience, research, and knowledge in the field of leadership performance. This experience can turn your organization from a logjam of endless, unfinished projects to a streamlined, well- communicated institution where staff and management alike see eye-to- eye on maintaining a predetermined focus. That focus is working and communicating together in an efficient manner to produce innovative products and services that meet the needs of each member
— equaling satisfaction for all parties.So sit back and enjoy our Podcast
— and stay tuned for more!
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