Since approximately 2:30 PM ET yesterday, July 25th, the main Connections Online site has been experiencing frequent and extremely aggravating server errors. Most of the time, the error returned in the web browser looked like this:
Failed to enter Common Language Runtime (CLR) with HRESULT 0x80131022. This may due to low resource conditions.
There were some other error messages, but they were all related to this issue.
Since we are utilizing Microsoft Azure for our servers, we contacted them for additional support in tracking this down. They helped us find a solution, and everything seems to be back to normal now. To be sure, however, we will continue to monitor the situation tomorrow.
I apologize for not communicating what was happening at a quicker pace. We had everyone available looking into the issue and answering tickets as they came in, but I should have taken some time to make a general announcement. We will now turn this into an opportunity to improve our incident response plan.
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