Connections Online 4.0 BETA Site Updates




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    Bryan Siders

    The beta site uses some of the newer functionality in browsers, so for everyone who uses IE 8 or IE 9, I would suggest turning OFF the compatibility mode option.  I suppose I'll have to look into IE7 as well. ;-)

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    Permanently deleted user

    How do you turn off compatibility mode?  Also, how do you "close" the drop menus from the arrows on the tabs to see where you navigated before?  They seem to hang and no matter where I click they don't "close"  looks like you refresh the page now to "close" the drop down history

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    Permanently deleted user

    i think the tasks should be grouped on the people page by tasks that can be added together and those that can't (like project and follow-up tasks can't be added to on the people page) -

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    Permanently deleted user

    Will there be a batch edit page for each type of tasks (project, basic role, follow-up, personal?)  Right now I don't see how that could be done without creating a separate batch edit screen - or does it just go to the individual task and no batch edit?

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    Permanently deleted user

    when i click on the "add" button for trend value, the entire page "refreshes" before I get the blanks to fill in another trend value - is that the way it is supposed to be?

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    Bryan Siders

    The drop-down menus currently will not close in IE7 or in IE8 when compatibility mode is turned on.  I still need to fix that.  In IE8 or IE9 normal mode (or in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.), you can just click somewhere not on the drop-down to have it close.

    To turn off compatibility mode for the site you are currently viewing, click the "torn paper" compatibility-mode icon in or near the URL bar at the top of Internet Explorer 8 or 9.  In IE9, it looks like this:


    I actually just found a way I can turn off compatibility mode for you in the page code, so I have done that for the beta site.

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    Permanently deleted user

    I think I like a "module" with columns for the project members - it is easier to read and if people are getting into hours etc. that will be easier to read as well.  Was there some other reason to have it like you it in beta?

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    Bryan Siders

    The trend causing the whole page to refresh was a bug.  It is fixed now.

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    Permanently deleted user

    the edit boxes on right column, for description, doesn't have a web editor capability (like evaluation criteria on the Project tab) - is that the way it is supposed to be?  Also, can you comment within this comment, like in a different color or do you have to do a separate comment every time?

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    Permanently deleted user

    compatibility mode is turned off on my IE8 beta site but still can't "hide" the drop downs when I click on drop down arrow when i click other places on the page to get them to "roll back up".

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    Permanently deleted user

    color picker on metrics isn't working. 

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    Permanently deleted user

    can't save the focus box (at least I don't see a save button)

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    Permanently deleted user

    I assume that the security settings from default will show on this page automatically, right?  I think it looks fine and easier to manage too.

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