We are proud to announce our new Connections Online API. This is a full-featured API is jam packed with all the content you can currently access via your Connections Online account, and will replace our current API, COWS. It is currently still in beta, but don't let that deter you, because it is available to all current Connections Online users.
What is an API?
An API (application-programming interface) is a software to software interface. It is not a user interface. Which means this will not replace your current Connections Online. Think of it as a middle man, the API sits between your data, and any application that wants to use your data. It will give or deny permission to use that data based on your site's security settings.
Security is very important to us. This is why the API uses the same level of security you expect from Connections Online. The API will not give anyone access to information they are not already allowed to see in the Connections Online main application. This means no matter what application connects to Connections Online using our API your data is safe.
What can I do with an API?
If you are a developer you can use it to build anything from a simple web page to a completely custom version of Connections Online. If you would like to get started just head over to the API site, and have a look around. Under the Getting Started section we have several demos and code examples. Once you are ready to go deeper, our documentation has descriptions for all of the calls, and objects you can use while programming for the API.
If you are not a developer, there are still a few ways in which you can use the API. First if you would like to see what can be done with the API, head over to our Getting Started section, in this list you can try updating a metric, creating a basic role, reading, updating and even deleting personal tasks, or see our special basic roles Report(sorry this is for administrators only).
Want even more functionality out of the box? Then take a look at the Read Performance Example and Read all Tasks Example. This will show you how to make a call, save the XML that is returned and then import that data into Excel. This is a one way process, you are not currently able to upload Excel files in this manner. To upload using Excel, please see this post: Excel Templates.
With the API you also have the ability to connect with other front end Applications. An Example of this is Qlik, you can see an example of using Qlik with Connections online in our Getting started section of the API help here: Qlik View Help.
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