Update to the Beta API for February 07, 2015
Posted February 10, 2015
Routes & Added Features
- Dialogs: /individuals/dialogs/list/{showDeleted} & /sites/{siteId}/individuals/dialogs/list/{showDeleted}
- Returns a list of Dialogs for each individual on your site. Both of these routes return the same thing.
- Individuals: /me
- This route returns information about you. It has the same return as /individuals/(your ID).
- Keywords: /sites/{siteid}/keywords
- This route has the same return as /keywords.
- Performance (PM Feature): - Fixed an error in the sites route.
- Changed route from /site/{siteid}/performance to /sites/{siteid}/performance
- Permission: - Fixed an error in the sites route.
- Added /sites/{id}/security/{childtype}
- Deprecated for future removal: site/{id}/security/{childtype}
- Sites: Fixed an error in the sites route.
- Added: /sites/{siteid}/projects/{deleted}
- Deprecated for future removal: /site/{siteid}/projects/{deleted}.
- Tasks: /tasks/{id}/togglecompleted
- Toggles the completed status of a task. If it has an end date this will set that to null. If it doesn't have an end date, then it will set it to the current date and time.
Additional information being returned for current calls:
- Performance:
- Added: OrganizationID, OrganizationName, ProjectIndividualAssessment, ProjectIndividualAssessmentScores, ProjectSelfAssessment, ProjectSelfAssessmentScores
- Removed: OrganizationCommitments
- Projects:
- Added: LinkedToID - ID of linked projects.
Other Updates
Bug Fixes
Optimization upgrades.
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