Beta Web API Update
The API will be updated after business hours on 3/24/2015. This update will have the following changes.
Bug Fixes:
- /project/{projectid}/tasks and /project/{projectid} now return properly.
Individual Object:
- UserID, UserName, and UserEmail now return properly
Added Routes
- /me/forecast/tasks/{id}/togglecompleted
Dialogs Tasks:
- This returns all dialog tasks based on the dialog ancestor ID
- /individuals/{id}/dialogtasks
- /projects/{id}/dialogtasks
- /organization/{id}/dialogtasks
- /department/{id}/dialogtasks
- /departments/{ancestorid}/metrics/showdeleted
- These calls function exactly the same as the calls without /sites/{siteid}.
- /sites/{siteid}/individuals
- /sites/{siteid}/organizations
- /sites/{siteid}/departments
- /sites/{siteid}/projectphases/defaults
- /sites/{siteid}/colors/defaults
- /sites/{siteid}/periods
- /sites/{siteid}/corevalues
- /sites/{siteid}/dialogs
Performance Management RoutesCommitments:
- /individuals/{id}/commitments
- /organizations/{id}/commitments
- /departments/{id}/commitments
- /individuals/{id}/goals
Return Object Updates
In addition to returning PeopleResponsible, all task calls now also returns PeopleResponsibleulst. This is a list of PeopleResponsible objects for that task.
Corrected a typo: ancesterid to ancestorid
Tasks, dialogs, Organizations, Departments, Projects, Individuals, and Metrics now return the body, post date, poster's name, and user ID from the last comment posted on the them.
This Performance Management object has been updated with the following fields: SampleDate, Review, Viewer, DateRequested, CoachName, PlayerName, Status, StatusDate, totalReviews, AllUsersOpen, CurrentUserOpen, PlayerSRID, CoachSRID
The undelete feature has been added for Basic Roles, Dialog, Performance Indicator, individual, link, EvalCriteria, Supervisory Scope, Accountability, Project Scope, metrics, organizations, departments, comments, and tasks.
Other Changes
Dialog list was deprecated and has been removed from the help documentation. It will continue to function if you are using it. However we recommend you use one of the other dialog calls.
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