Object Changes
Project Object
Hours Projected and Hours Actual fields have been deprecated.
Task Object
We have added the ability to add recurring tasks. Once you have set a task to reoccur and then set the task's end date, a new task will be created with a projected start/end date based on the task that was completed and the recurrence settings. New recurrence properties in the object are listed below.
- IsRecurring: Denotes if the task will reoccur when it is completed { get; set; }
- Interval: Interval of the recurring task.
- IntervalQualifier: Interval type for the task. This can be: Day, Month, Week, or Year
- MonthOption: If it is monthly ex 2nd Tuesday
- DayOfMonth: Sets day of the month the task should reoccur
- WeekDayInstance: 1-5 Tuesday
- WeekDay: Day of the week.
- Sunday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Sunday.
- Monday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Monday.
- Tuesday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Tuesday.
- Wednesday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Wednesday.
- Thursday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Thursday.
- Friday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Friday.
- Saturday: Denotes if this task should repeat on Saturday.
- PreviousTask: ID of the previous task.
- NextTask: ID of the next task. Recurrence can no longer be set if this is not null.
When you view the documentation you will notice there has been major changes. Using the new documentation which you can find here: Connections Online Documentation. You will be able to try out any of our API calls directly in your browser. Once you click the "Try it!" button you will be prompted for your username and password. You will only have to enter this once, after that you can try all of the calls you like.
However, if you prefer the old documentation you will still be able to access it here: Connections Online API Old Documentation.
Added Routes
You will notice two new sections in the documentation: OrganizationMember and DepartmentMember. These two sections have all the calls you will need to interact with organization / department members.
For Team Members we have added the ability to read/add/update/delete them based by the combination of individual ID and Project ID. Please keep in mind that you can't add a person to a project more than once and you will receive an error if you try.
Tasks have been given a new route in addition to the recurrence features. This route will make a separate task for each person in the NewPeople list. Please Note that this is not a batch upload, it will make a separate copy of the task sent in for each person in the list.
- Route: /separateTasks
- Return: List of tasks that were created
- Description: This call will take a task with a list of comma separated individual IDs and create the task for each of those individuals. For example if you pass in Bob, Suzy, Sarah as the new people on the Get Coffee task. It will make 3 copies of the Get Coffee task with Bob on one, Suzy on the next one and Sarah on the 3rd.
This new report will give site administrators the ability to view all open and completed surveys by period. Once you log in you will be given a drop down that has all of the periods for your site. Select your period and then you will be able to turn survey types on or off. These will only show if you actually have that type of survey for that period.
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