July 2009 Connections Online Newsletter | |
Connections Online 4.0 Migration Webinar I This 30-minute training webinar highlights the new functionality of Connections Online 4.0. To listen to a recording of this session, Click here
Connections Online 4.0 Migration Webinar II Wednesday July 15th This 60-minute training webinar dives deeper into an overall “how to use” Connections Online 4.0. Click here to register…
Jim Cardwell’s Educational Webinar Tuesday July 21st In this 30 minute discussion Click here to register…
Past Educational Webinar Recordings
Training Library Click here to link to our Training Library |
Jim Cardwell’s June Educational Webinar – Best-Practice Highlights from the 2009 Connections Online Users Roundtable. For those of you who could not attend our June Users Roundtable, we would like to share some best-practice highlights. Each presentation was filled with valuable information and insight. The information below only provides a few of the take-aways:
Erinn Heckstall of Aspire FCU shared her thoughts on “Using Connections Online to Organize and Execute Large Projects”. Changing the credit union’s name from FAA Eastern Region to Aspire was a major undertaking. Through the Business Case the project’s complexity became clear. This led to creating a “new organization” space on Connections that was specifically devoted to this large initiative. There were 16 sub-projects. They kept each individual project under four months, and streamlined who needed to be in the various project dialogs. The work plan was well-conceived. Progress was transparent—and shared at the monthly Organization Dialog. The end-product was done on schedule with a positive member and employee impact. They have used a similar large-project methodology for a credit union merger and for the development of a new CUSO.
Nancy Richardson of Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union shared tactics on “Communicating Connections throughout the Organization”. After developing the Connections process with the senior team, they wanted to ‘connect’ the rest of the organization. They started with a three-hour training session for all managers, where they shared the content of the Organization Connection—they also explained how it was created. In this same session they facilitated the development of each middle manager’s Individual Connection. Shortly thereafter, HR and Marketing worked together to develop a Get Connected Rollout Meeting for all employees. This was led by the CEO,
Vicki Dyson of NASA FCU discussed “The Alignment, Impact and Success of the Connections Support Team”. NASA started their Connections journey with a multifaceted Internal Connections Support Team, which included Doug Allman, CEO;
To listen to the recorded webinar Click here.
We’ll Replay the Other Two Presentations – We will provide you with a live version of two other User Conference presentations: § On July 21st, § On August 27th, Chris Cardwell will share his presentation on “High Impact Rewards” He has some interesting and timely information on current trends in executive compensation. He will also outline how to use the information on Connections in the design and implementation of a meaningful incentive framework.
Client Care Notes To view previous Connections Online Newsletters, Click here for the link to all of our past newsletters.
4.0 Tips of the Month Search Feature: There is a search feature in the upper right corner (note the magnifying glass icon). Click on the search icon and you can search for Organizations, departments, projects or people (at this time tasks are not searchable).
Deleting Follow-up Tasks from Dialogs: Use the delete “icon” that is above the task as part of the Follow-up Task label. If you click on the delete “button” (not delete icon) you will delete the entire dialog.
Forgot Your Password feature: When using the Forgot Your Password feature, if you log in with the temporary password and use the "remember me on this computer" option, the web browser will keep you logged in even after the temporary password expires in one hour, so you can close the browser, return later, and be logged in automatically.
That would not be recommended, though, since that means you will eventually need to retrieve another temporary password if you delete your cookies, hit the "sign out" link, or want to log in from another computer or another type of web browser.
You should always go in and reset your password to something you can remember after logging in with the temporary password, even if you are using the "remember me on this computer" option.
Informational Webinar If you know someone outside of your company who may be interested in learning more about Connections Online, we have an informational webinar scheduled on Wednesday, July15th at 4:00 EST. Please pass this link on to them: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/745707083 to register.
Presentations CUNA Technology Council Conference, Are Mergers Something to be Feared?, August 7th –
CUES Execu/Net 2009, Strategy Execution for Long Term Strength, August 25th, Jim will be speaking to help organizations maximize their strategy execution results.
The Software Business 2009 Conference, September 29-30th,
Connections Online Migration In January 2009, we announced the migration from Connections Online 3.2 to 4.0. Since that announcement, we have completed a number of upgrades and are scheduling more. In fact, between new users and migrations, the number of users has doubled in the past five months. Our clients are very happy with the new features and functionality.
If you have not already done so, and are ready to migrate to 4.0, please contact Webinar Events link below.)
Monthly Calendar of Webinar Events Link: http://www.connectionsonline.net/ShowNews.aspx?id=245
Connections Online (440) 892-1410 or (800) 395-1410 |
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