Over the years we have had the Roundtable in June or September. Both times don't seem to be optimal (people with children have vacation in June, and in September people are trying to finish all the projects before the end of the year - plus planning and budgeting...)
Another issue is that we have spent much of our development resources since the last User Roundtable finalizing the Performance Management Module that was one of the main topics at the last Users Roundtable.
So, what we have decided is to have our Users Roundtable next March - first week. We chose this time of the year because there shouldn't be too much impacting the dates plus the weather should be warming up. We are looking at location options and will let you know shortly about the location. We are always working to improve the functionality of the application. Since the full release of the Performance Management Module first quarter of this year, our development team has been working on, and will be releasing, the following:
API: we have been working with DaLand Solutions (DalandSolutions.com), on a number of API updates to make sure calls can be done with the proper speed and error free
API: calls can now be made for everything that is necessary for the APIs that DaLand and also custom APIs other customers are creating
API: supporting DaLand on their unique API offerings to Connections customers, including Project Power Tools, as well as a Collaboration application that will allow customers to "collaborate and share" project work with other credit unions
Main Application Speed: implementation of speed improvements to the basic application
Security: non-admin users will only see icons allowable based on their security (i.e. if the user only has "read" security, they will not see any other edit symbols for that element of the page)
Logging in: common login alternatives will be available (like Facebook, Google, etc.)
Active Directory: is "technically" done now. However, our developer still has to do some final testing as well as put together the instructions for your IT people in order to make it work properly.
New Reports: these are specific to project type reports
In the longer term, we are also working on a new website, a mobile app, as well as starting to define elements for a new User Interface for our next version of Connections.
Besides the application itself, we realize that much of the value to attendees of the Roundtable is about sharing best practices. Between now and the next Roundtable, we will be offering some webinars on topics of interest, including the new functionality being introduced.
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